Friday, December 12, 2008

Winter Fun

Now that winter is really here I don't know about you but I don't feel like doing much of anything! I always feel so cold - even when I'm inside! My favorite place to be right now is bundled up in a thick blanket - reading, watching TV or watching a movie. It is WAY too cold to do much of anything else!

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE going sledding with Lexie - it's actually one of my favorite things to do in the winter but lately it's been too cold to do even that! But one cold day late last month Lexie and I managed to brave the cold weather and build a snowman! Last year I bought a snowman kit that had everything you needed to make a snowman except the snow and the sticks for the arms and this was the first time we used it. Lexie and I had so much fun - Lexie even tried to make a dog on the right side of the snowman. The face is on the right, the tail is on the left, closest to the snowman. (Don't tell her I said this but I kindof think it looks like an armadillo.) :)

Ever since Lexie was 2 we've been making Gingerbread houses together as a family every December. This year I bought a gingerbread train kit instead. So on the same day we built the snowman, the 3 of us put the train together. We were so focused on doing it, I almost forgot to take pictures!
It was just as much fun as the gingerbread house and it was nice to do something a little different. Lexie even decided to name the train "The Polar Express" and make a sign for it.

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