For Dave's Birthday in September we visited an apple orchard near our house. We went on a hay ride,

walked through a corn maze,
and fed the animals.

As you can see, it was a beautiful Fall day and we had a lot of fun.
At the beginning of October Lexie got her first loose tooth - actually two of them - her 2 bottom front teeth. She is very excited and can't wait for one of them to fall out. The one on her left side is getting pretty loose so hopefully it will happen soon!
Towards the end of October Dave and I went to the Michigan v. Michigan State game. It was cold but it was still a fun day.
Next came pumpkin carving which we did one night right after Lexie took a shower - notice the wet hair and pjs. (This is the "before" picture.)
Lexie even got to help carve this year but it was Mommy's job to get all the yuckie stuff out of the pumpkin first.
We were really happy with how the pumpkins both turned out.
October ended with one of Lexie's favorite holidays, Halloween. Can anyone guess what Lexie decided to be? That's right, Hannah Montana! All we had to buy was the wig & microphone, the rest came from her closet!
For the 2nd year in a row we had my parents, my sister & her family, and my sister's sister-in-law's family come over to eat and go trick-or-treating. Here are the 3 girls - Hannah Montana, Daphne (from Scooby Doo) and Princess Madalyn - aren't they so cute!?
It was a lot of fun trick or treating, especially because the weather was so amazing. It was in the 70s most of the day so Lexie didn't even have to wear a coat!
My niece Madalyn is now 2 and she had so much fun trying to keep up with the big girls!
In the end, the girls came home with over 100 goodies in their bags!
The last big thing for us this fall was the election on November 4th. Dave and I have spent the last few months watching all the campaign news on CNN and Fox News. We were very excited for November 4th to finally arrive and we were glued to CNN all night watching the election coverage. As I watched Barack Obama's speech I was so moved, I felt I was listening to a historic speech, one that will be remembered and quoted in history books.
Dave and I are so happy with the choice of Barack Obama as our next president. This is the first time in a long time that the person we voted for actually won! :) We both feel very hopeful about the future of this country under the direction of President-Elect Obama! Congratulations to him and to this country!
With winter almost here, we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas and also to the new year. We continue to pray that God adds to our family and that we have patience while we wait for His perfect timing.
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