Then I drove Lexie to school and took her up to her classroom. Even though she didn't know anyone she didn't seem nervous at all - she just kept smiling. I, on the other hand, was very nervous - What was her teacher going to be like? Would Lexie like her teacher? Would she make any friends? Would she miss me too much? Would she like the lunch I packed for her? You get the picture - mostly I guess I was nervous about how I would do all day without my girl. :(
When I finally left (No, I didn't have to be asked to leave by the teacher in fact there was one other mom still there - of course her son was crying - but at least I wasn't last!!!), Lexie was sitting on the rug and didn't even care that I was leaving.

Luckily my day alone flew by with lots of excitement - washing dishes, doing laundry and vacuuming - and before I knew it school was out and I had to go meet the bus around the corner.

As promised I brought Lexie her scooter so she could ride it home - like she'd seen some of the other kids do last year.

Once home I didn't get many details about Lexie's day just that she made a monkey, had Spanish class (she learned to say "me llamo Lexie"), had 2 recesses and made a new best friend Elizabeth. She also mentioned that she missed me and of course I missed her too. But I think we both did pretty well on our - oops I mean "her" - first day of school.
When I went back and read my first comment, it didn't make sense, so here it is again...
I hope Lexie has a great year and I'm glad to know she had a good first day. I'm in tears hoping Kira isn't missing anything...
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