YEAH WINGS!!! Dave was lucky enough to go to 2 of the games and he even got his picture taken with the cup a few days before they won it again. What fun!

Lexie's last day of swimming class was Saturday. She had a great time and will probably take lessons again in the fall.
Check out this cute it's not Jack Sparrow, it's our niece Madalyn playing dress up with Lexie. :)
Last weekend we had a short visit (too short) with our nephew Joey who lives in Florida. We managed to get one decent picture of the 3 cousins together:

Check out what Lexie and a friend found in one of our trees. They are 3 baby birds. Can you say "AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"?
Last but not least, Lexie was downstairs waiting for me this morning as I walked in from taking out the dog. Not only was she fully dressed but she had also put on her shoes and tied them all by herself!!! Dave and I are so proud of her! (Did you notice how tall the socks are? That was all Lexie's doing. Of course I couldn't help myself, I had to push them down a little before she left the house. :) )
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