The first week was spent with my parents in Traverse City enjoying the Cherry Festival. We had a great time - ate cherries, watched the air dogs (one of our favorite events), attended the pet show, did lots of walking, watched an Indian Pow-Wow, ate tons of yummy s'mores, and spent time with lots of our old friends.
One of our favorite parts of the Cherry Festival is watching the parades. We were able to watch only one parade this year - the Children's Parade whose theme was the Magic Tree House books by Mary Pope Osbourne (Lexie was so excited about that).
The best part of the parade was that we got to watch it with some of our old friends. It was so fun watching the girls together - it was like we had never left.
We celebrated my 37th birthday while we were in Traverse City. We went out to eat and then played putt-putt.
We were all sad when it was time to leave (some showed it more than others)...
Our 2nd week of camping was in Gaylord with Dave's mom. Unfortunately Dave couldn't go with us but Lexie, Sandy and I had a great time anyway. We ate s'mores again (this time with Reese's peanut butter cups - YUMMMMMM!!!), walked a lot (thanks to Sandy),
enjoyed the beach (the water was MUCH warmer than TC),
Lexie rode her scooter a LOT (she got really good at it),
We were all suprised to discover that the Alpen Festival was going on while we were there. So one night I took Lexie (Grandma Nancy babysat Sandy) and she went on a few rides and played some games. Her favorite part was when she played a game and won a goldfish!!!
She kept saying, "I can't believe I actually won a fish!" It was so cute. She named the fish Josefina - like the American Girl doll -and she now lives in a fishbowl on Lexie's desk in the kitchen.
We had a great 2 weeks but we're all glad to be home together. The next big thing will be Lexie's 6th birthday party - better start planning!!!
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