I'm not sure exactly how this blog will look, I'm sure it will evolve over time. Some of the things I'll probably be talking about are:
* My daughter Lexie - she's 5 years old and in her first year of Kindergarten. (That's our 3 year old labradoodle Sandy with her)
* My husband Dave - we just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. We've been together for over 10 yrs!

* Our journey to adoption - As of 2/26/2007 our home study was approved (for domestic adoption). Soon after that we completed our family profile/ scrapbook. We have been waiting ever since. http://www.bethany.org/A55798/bethanyWWW.nsf/0/106391C1BDD1C24F8525729C0064885D) We just keep praying that God blesses us with a child.
* Being a Stay-at-Home Mom - I've stayed home with Lexie for her whole life. It's been amazing and I feel so blessed to have had so much time with her. However, things are changing now with her in Kindergarten - I'm sure I'll have lots to write about this subject. Some days I feel like I'm going through an identity crisis - I'm a stay-at-home mom with no child at home. :)
* Going Green - over the last year I have become more educated about how what we use/consume/buy affects the environment. I'm trying to do my part to help. I started by buying organic foods whenever possible. Now I'm reading a great book called "Green This!" (http://www.amazon.com/Green-This-Greening-Your-Cleaning/dp/1416540555/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-2243972-2223962?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193365945&sr=8-1) about using green cleaning products. Who knows what will be next! My husband isn't as enthusiastic about all the changes and he often calls me a "Tree Hugger" which I gladly accept. :)
* Scrapbooking - I've been scrapbooking for over 10 years. Unfortunately I'm pretty behind - my 5 year old daughter is only 5 months old in her scrapbook! But I love the hobby - especially the journaling, photography and organizing my supplies (I know, I'm weird).
* Organizing (& Family Management) - I LOVE to organize (you probably figured that out) and have for as long as I can remember. We recently moved to a new house and I'm still trying to get everything organized. I'm sure I'll be sharing what I learn along the way.
* & much, much more...
I can't wait to really get started!
1 comment:
Umm..you love to organize??? Can you hang out at my house for a month or so?
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